What is Speech-Language Pathology?
Speech-Language Pathology is the study of disorders that affects a person's speech, language, cognition, voice and swallowing. Speech Pathologists, also known as Speech Therapists, are healthcare professionals who assess patients and diagnose disorders of human communication and swallowing.
Speech Pathologists assess, diagnose, treat and help prevent disorders related to speech (articulation, rate, voice), cognition communication (attention, memory, problem solving), language (phonics, syntax), ability to receive and express language (in reading and writing), facial expressions and oral motor or swallowing problems.
Learning Difficulties
Language and literacy skills begin at birth and continue through the preschool years. Skills important to the development of literacy (reading and writing), are developed during the first few years of life. Learning to read and write requires phonological awareness. Children who enter elementary school with weaker verbal abilities are much more likely to experience difficulties learning
Speech & Language
Articulation Disorders
Expressive Disorders
Oral-Motor Difficulties
Resonance/Voice Disorders
Pronunciation Difficulties
Communication Difficulties
Comprehensive Assessments (Pediatric and Adult)
Auditory Processing
Travel available across the State of California for Private Assessments
Executive Functioning
Home Visits (based upon availability)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (treatment and support with tablets/applications, low and high technological systems, including Skype)
Phonological Processing Disorder
Fluency Disorders
Free Speech & Language Screenings at School Location
Cognitive Delays and Receptive Language
Family Facilitation
Co-treatment with Occupational Therapist
Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders
Independent Assessments for School Districts
Telespeech Therapy
Chart Reviews
Early Intervention
Birth - 3 years old
Evaluation Within the Natural Environment
Child Development
Ongoing Services
Vendorship with the Westside Regional Center (WRC)
Compensatory Time
Make up any missed therapy time from your child's IEP with one of our licensed providers.
Occupational Therapy
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Gross and Fine Motor Delays
Developmental Delays
Coordination & Balance Problems
Attention & Concentration Problems
Learning Problems & Difficulties
Assessment & Evaluation
Cognitive Testing
School Visits
Feeding Consultations via Teleheath
Therapy Services
Child Counseling
Play Therapy
Family Counseling
Coping & Adjustments
Anger Management
Group Therapy
Transition Assessments
Augmentative Communication and Assistive Technology
Professional Development
Training Staff & Students
AAC/AT Assessments
Technical Assistance
Alternative Format Materials
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Adult Population
Cognitive Communication Disorders
Independent Medical Evaluations (IMEs)
Transition to Adulthood Evaluations
Functional Behavioral Analysis
Identify specific target behavior(s)
Purpose of the behavior
Factors that maintain the behavior
Behaviors interfering with student's educational progress
School Observation
Direct observation in school setting
Collaborate with teachers on tasks
Develop techniques to communicate
Assist with program modification
Provide resources for school staff
Advocacy services available upon request
Psychological Services
Educational Assessments
504 Plans
ERMHS Evalations
Review of Records
Counseling and Behavior Intervention
Accent Reduction
Public Speaking
Corporate Speech
Educational Therapy
Study Skills
Reading Acquisition
Reading Fluency
Reading Comprehension
Writing Development
Essay Writing
College Essay Writing Support
Math and Science
Continuing Education
Professional Development
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC)
Curriculum Access using Assistive Technology
IEP Process